Offering Curbside Service Now!

Our clinic operates as curbside service only. All surgeries and wellness visits must be scheduled ahead of time. Please view all our clinic options below to see how we can best serve you and your furry friends.

Spay + Neuter Clinic

5835 S Pennsylvania Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73119

Hours of Operation
Monday- Friday, 7:30AM5:30PM

Surgery Costs

Canine Spay | $80
Canine Neuter | $70
Feline Spay | $55
Feline Neuter | $50

Post-surgery pain injection is included in surgery costs.

Cat Vaccinations/prevention

FVRCP | $10
Rabies | $10
Leukemia | $20
F-Combo test | $25
Catego | $15
Bravecto | $45

Dog Vaccinations/prevention

Bordertella | $10
DHPP |$10
Lepto | $10
Rabies |$10
Vectra | $15
Heartworm testing | $20
Tri heart 0-25#’s | $20
Tri heart 26-50#’s | $25
Tri heart 51-100#’s | $27
Bravecto | $45

Services for both

Microchipping | $20
Extra pain meds | $10
E-collar | $10
Gland expression | $15
Nail trim | $5

Schedule Spay & Neuter Appointment

We are now accepting new surgery appointment requests. We are currently operating by curb-side appointment only (drop off and pick up is curbside only). We are not accepting any walk ins at this time. All surgeries must have an appointment scheduled prior to the surgery date.

We require an up to date rabies vaccination in order to perform surgery. If proof of a current rabies vaccine is not provided then one will be administered at a $10 charge. A Rabies certificate must be submitted. A Rabies tag is not considered proof of vaccination.

Please contact us prior to your appointment if your pet is 7 years of age or older, if your pet has a history of seizures, vaccination reactions, or if they have any other health concerns.

Schedule Wellness Appointments Online

You can now schedule pet wellness visits at our Spay & Neuter Clinic online. Please contact us prior to your appointment if your pet has a history of vaccination reactions or other medical concerns. Follow the link below, and select “Scheduled Wellness Appointment” to select your time.

This is NOT for scheduling spay or neuter surgical appointments. Wellness appointments are for providing preventative care such as vaccinations, heartworm testing, F-combo testing, microchipping, or an exam in order to purchase prescription preventives such as Bravecto.

Purchase Prevention Online

OK Humane now offers contact free online purchasing of monthly preventative products that will ship to your home. We are not able to ship outside of Oklahoma. The way our database is set up, it requires you to schedule an appointment for ordering products. Your products will be shipped – you do not need to drive to the clinic for your products.

  • We offer Vectra, TriHeart, and Bravecto for dogs. We offer Catego and Feline Bravecto for cats.
  • Vectra for dogs and Catego for cats may be purchased by any client.
  • To purchase TriHeart, we must have a negative heartworm test on file for your pet(s) within the last year and examined them within the last 12 months. To purchase Bravecto, we must have examined your pet in the last 12 months and your pet must not have a history of seizures.

Pre-Op Instructions

Thank you for making an appointment at our clinic. We will call to remind you of your appointment 2-3 days in advance. For your pet’s safety, please follow these simple instructions:

  • All surgeries need an appointment.
  • If your pet is 5 months of age or older–Do not feed your pet after 11:00 pm the night before surgery. Water is ok but no food.
  • If your pet is 5 months of age or younger—Please give your pet a small amount of food & water the morning of the surgery.
  • If your pet is an outdoor animal, it is important that you bring them inside and remove food and water at 11:00 pm.
  • Please allow your pet time to go to the bathroom before coming to the clinic.
  • Drop-off your pet at the clinic in the morning between 7:30  – 8:30am. Late arrivals cannot have surgery and will need to be rescheduled.
  • Cats should be in a secure carrier that is lined with newspaper or a towel. Dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier.
  • Your pet will be ready to go home the same day. Check out is between 4:00-5:00 pm. You must pick up no later than 5:30pm as we do not board animals overnight. Any animals left overnight will be charged a $50.00 fee per night.
  • Any animal picked up late the day of their surgery (after 5:30pm) may incur a $25 late pick up charge.
Healthy Adoptable Animals | Oklahoma City | OK Humane Society

Post-Op Instructions

For your pet’s safety, please read and follow these instructions. The clinic will handle, at minimal cost, any post-op complications from the surgery, only if these instructions were followed:

  • No running, jumping, playing or strenuous activity for 10-14 days. Pets should stay indoors and be kept quiet. Walk dogs on a leash and keep cats inside.
  • Keep your pet dry for 10-14 days. No baths, swimming or rolling in wet grass. The top layer of the surgical incision is closed with glue and will come open if the area gets wet.
  • Check the incision twice a day. What you see today is normal…there should be no discharge and minimal redness or swelling. DO NOT let your animal lick the incision area. If this occurs, you will need to buy an “E-collar” (cone of shame) either here, at your vet or at a pet supply store.Unless otherwise noted, there are no stitches to remove. Your pet has stitches under the skin, which will dissolve over the next few months. Your pet did receive a small green tattoo—this is not a second incision.
  • Feed and water your pet a small amount tonight; however they may not have a full appetite until tomorrow. Do not change their diet or give table scraps as this can mask post-op complications.
  • Your pet received a pain medication INJECTION at the time of surgery.
  • If your pet has an emergency after hours, call 405-343-7057. If we do not answer please leave a message and we will call you back. However, this emergency number is only for problems related to the surgery. You must speak to our clinic to make arrangements for the animal to be brought back to us. If you go see your own vet or go to an emergency clinic without speaking to us first, we will not be able to reimburse you for any charges that are incurred.


What is the surgery?

  • “Spaying” is the term used for female animals and the surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus.
  • “Neutering” is the term used for male animals and is the surgical removal of the testicles.
  • “Fixing” your pet is another term for spaying/neutering.
  • Your female pet should be spayed before her first heat cycle—which commonly occurs at 5 to 6 months.  However, it is never too late to spay or neuter your pet.
  • Spaying or neutering your pet is a very safe procedure.  Call us for an appointment today at 405-947-SPAY.

Good for your pet

  • Pets that are spayed/neutered have decreased or zero risk of certain types of cancer.
  • Spaying or neutering your pet can decrease the risk of diseases that are expensive to treat.
  • Animals that are fixed make better companions because they are not motivated to wander in search of a mate.

Good for you – eliminate annoying behavior problems!

  • Neutered male cats are significantly less likely to spray (urine-marking) or wander in search of females.
  • Female dogs or cats in heat can cry incessantly, act nervous and attract males from all around.  Spaying eliminates the heat cycle.
  • Animals that have been spayed/neutered are less likely to bite, roam or get into fights.

Visit the ASPCA website and learn more reasons to spay/neuter your pet.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Surgery

Is the surgery safe?

Yes, the clinic specializes in spay-neuter surgeries. We use modern equipment and quality materials and medicines. Your pet will be examined by our vet before surgery and closely monitored during all steps of surgery and recovery.

However, anytime an animal is put under anesthesia there is a slight risk. If your pet shows signs of illness or the vet discovers any issues during the exam, we will not perform the surgery and will refer you to a private veterinarian who has access to more diagnostic tools.

We strongly recommend that your pet is current on vaccines before it comes to the clinic for surgery. Furthermore, it is your responsibility to follow the pre-op and post-op instructions.

Will my pet receive pain medication?

All pets receive an injection of pain medication during surgery, this will offer pain management for 8-12 hours after surgery. This is now included in the cost of the surgery itself beginning January 1. We offer a second optional medication for extra pain relief lasting up to 3 days for an additional $10. Do NOT give your pet any medicines such as aspirin or Tylenol for pain, this could be life threatening to your pet.

How young or old can my pet be to have surgery?
We can operate on puppies and kittens as long as they are at least 8 weeks old and weigh 2 pounds. The young animals have very small incisions and recover quickly! For more information about when to spay/neuter your pet, visit

If your pet is 8 years of age or older we highly recommend they receive pre-operative bloodwork prior to their surgery. Please call or email us for more information.

What if my female just had babies?

You must wait 2 weeks after the mother has stopped nursing her pups/kittens before having surgery. Please consider bringing the litter of pups or kits to the clinic for surgery before placing them in new homes.

What if my female is pregnant or in heat?

We can perform surgery on a pregnant dog or cat at no extra charge. We can also perform surgery on female dogs and cats that are in heat. There is no need for them to wait.

What vaccines are required?

We require that your pet have a current rabies vaccine. If you pet already has current rabies, bring proof such as a vet receipt with you to the appointment. A rabies tag is not proof.

We offer other vaccines at the time of surgery for $10. Please be aware that if your pet is not current on its booster vaccines, there is a chance that your pet be exposed to diseases while at the clinic. We maintain a very strict cleaning protocol but the risk of cross-contamination from a sick animal to your pet is present. For this reason, we recommend that your pet also be current on its vaccines as the clinic is not responsible for this kind of disease transmission.

Do I take away food & water in preparation for the surgery?

Yes, you must take food away from your pet at 11:00 pm the night before surgery. It is fine if they have water. If your pet is 5 months of age or younger , please offer a small amount of food and water the morning of surgery.

Why do I have to drop my pet off early in the morning?

In order for the clinic to do 60+ surgeries per day—and stop the cycle of overpopulation— all animal must be checked-in and examined in the morning and the medical team can get into a continuous rhythm. If you arrive after 9:00 AM your pet will be refused for the day and rescheduled.

What happens if there is a problem after surgery?

All animals are re-checked by the vet prior to discharge. You must read and follow the post-op instructions. Read the pre-op and post-op instructions.

If your pet has an emergency after hours, call 405-343-7057. However, this emergency number is only for problems related to the surgery. You must speak to our clinic to make arrangements for the animal to be brought here. If you go see your own vet or go to an emergency clinic without speaking to us first, we will not be able to reimburse you for any charges that are incurred.

Can I bring my pet in for annual vaccines?

We currently offer vaccine visits. While we are able to provide the yearly vaccinations and brief examination we are not able to diagnosis or treat any illness; if our licensed veterinarian notices anything that needs further examination we will refer to a full-service veterinarian in the metro. Please call 405-947-7729 or click here to schedule an appointment!

Donate to OK Humane Society

About the Clinic

Why is the clinic needed?

In 2008, 28,000 animals entered the shelter in Oklahoma City and 17,600 were euthanized (put down). The solution to overpopulation includes education, adoptions and affordable access to spay/neuter services. We must decrease the number of unwanted animals entering our shelters by increasing the availability of spay/neuter.

If you have a relationship with a private veterinarian, we encourage you to visit your vet for the spay/neuter of your pet and ongoing wellness.

How can the Clinic keep the prices so reasonable?

We are a non-profit and operate our clinic to offer affordable prices and still pay our bills. We do NOT use old equipment or cheap materials to save money; instead we do up to 70 surgeries per day (and 12,000 a year!) so our surgical process is streamlined and efficient. Also, since we offer only spay-neuter surgeries and limited vaccines, we do not need to carry other equipment, medicines or staffing that a full-service vet clinic would require.

What else does the Oklahoma Humane Society do?

The Oklahoma Humane Society (OK Humane) is committed to ending needless euthanasia in Oklahoma. OK Humane works in collaboration with the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare in our Adoption Program, the Community Cat Program and the ASPCA Partnership.

What is the Humane Alliance?

The Humane Alliance is a spay-neuter clinic located in Asheville, NC. They have been operating a high-volume spay/neuter clinic for over 25 years and performed over 130,000 surgeries. With sponsorship from PetSmart Charities and the ASPCA, Humane Alliance developed the National Spay-Neuter Response Team (NSNRT) to mentor organizations in cities all over the country open high-volume clinics. The OK Humane Place Clinic is proud to be one of over 50 clinics part of the NSNRT.

Still have questions?

I want my children to see the miracle of birth.

Children may learn about the birthing process in far simpler and less costly ways. Plenty of books, videotapes, CDs, and DVDs are available that portray the miracle of birth in a wide range of animals, providing a far greater appreciation of the process than can be gained through watching a single dog or cat deliver a single litter. Maybe even try a visit to a farm or a zoo if you’re interested in seeing a live delivery. Do your part by having your pet spayed or neutered. You’ll be saving more than just one life!

If I find homes for my pets’ litters then I won’t contribute to the problem, right?

Wrong. Only a certain number of people want pets. So every home you find for your pet’s offspring takes away a home from a loving animal already at a shelter.

Doesn’t spaying and neutering interfere with nature?

Domesticated dogs and cats are completely dependent on humans. It’s our responsibility as their guardians to make sure the number of companion animals born doesn’t exceed the number of available homes.

Should my female dog be allowed to have one litter?

There’s no reason for a female dog to have even one litter. It won’t make her a better companion, and it will increase the likelihood that she will develop mammary cancer. Spaying a dog before she goes into heat even once greatly reduces the risk of her developing mammary cancer.

Will spaying or neutering make my pet fat?

Removing the ovaries or testicles does affect metabolism. For this reason, spayed or neutered pets will tend to put on weight more easily if permitted to overeat. The important phrase here is “if permitted to overeat.” The diet of every cat and dog should be carefully regulated to prevent him/her from becoming overweight.

Will it change my pet’s intelligence or disposition?

Only for the better. Spaying and neutering have no effect on intelligence. Most spayed and neutered pets tend to be gentler and more affectionate. They become less interested in other animals and spend more time interacting with their owners.

When should my pet have the operation?

Generally speaking, as early as possible. Pets don’t understand the concept of “planned parenthood” and as soon as your pet becomes sexually mature, he/she is capable of producing a potentially unwanted litter. Although traditionally veterinarians have recommended spaying/neutering around 6 months of age, prepubertal (8 to 12 weeks of age) spaying/neutering has gained increasing support among veterinarians. Most veterinarians recommend that females be spayed before their first estrus or “heat” period to maximize the procedure’s cancer-sparing benefits. Because all pets are individuals, talk to your veterinarian about the best time to neuter your particular pet.

Is the operation painful?

Spaying or neutering is performed under general anesthesia and, therefore, your pet does not feel pain during the procedure. After surgery there may be some discomfort, but this is part of the normal healing process, does not last long, and can be controlled with medication.

See all the dogs we have available for adoption.

See all the cats we have available for adoption.

See all the dogs we have available for adoption.

See all the cats we have available for adoption.

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